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The Student News Site of Everett High School, Everett MA

The Crimson Times

The Student News Site of Everett High School, Everett MA

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Local teen from rising rap duo has big plans for future

Used with permission from the artist
Artwork from Matt and Pyro’s album 2024 album “Give Me a Minute II” which is available on all major streaming platforms

Matt and Pyro are cousins who create albums with different themes. Matt currently lives in Revere, while his cousin Pyro is based in North Carolina.  They collaborate through computers and make frequent trips back and forth between NC and Massachusetts.

The group recently ran advertising in Times Square

The duo’s music balances loud and quiet moments, creating a unique listening experience. Matt primarily focuses on singing, while Pyro handles the songwriting process. They upload music to several platforms.

“I think Matt and Pyro are different because their albums aren’t similar at all,” said sophomore Kevensky Claude. Their albums have songs that are completely different from one another, making them unique. Claude believes they could improve their advertisement, possibly by using TikTok. 

Matt sees being noticed on the streets as a measure of success in the music industry. Despite not being super well-known, they receive the most views from international countries like Japan.

Matt and Pyro are planning to make changes to their music style in the future. Matt envisions achieving millions of views and going on tours in the future.

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About the Contributor
Lucas De Freitas
Lucas De Freitas, Reporter
Sophomore Lucas De Freitas weighed 3 pounds when he was born. He has learned a lot, made many mistakes and made a lot of right decisions. He enjoys playing instruments, playing video games, playing sports, using technology, discovering and learning new things and more. His plans for this school year are to pass and do good. In the future he wants to do something in the engineering field.

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