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The Student News Site of Everett High School, Everett MA

The Crimson Times

The Student News Site of Everett High School, Everett MA

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STEM Club continues to thrive

Lucas De Freitas
An impressive array of the many awards earned by the STEM Club can be viewed on display in adviser Anna Seider’s classroom

Everett High School is home to a thriving club known as STEM Club, where students come together to explore the realms of science, technology, engineering and math under the guidance of their advisor, Anna Seiders. The club focuses on projects ranging from remote control cars to graphic design and 3D modeling, all aimed at fostering creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills among its members.

One of the standout aspects of STEM Club is its emphasis on teamwork and inclusivity. According to club member Gurkiran Kaur, “To be part of the STEM Club, you just need to be able to work with others and be a team player.” Kaur, who joined the club to delve into the world of graphic design and presentation skills, highlights the welcoming and collaborative nature of the club as a key factor in their positive experience so far.

Diversity and inclusivity are also paramount within the STEM Club at Everett High School. Kaur notes, “Diversity comes with Everett High School, so we do not stop anyone from joining the club.” The club offers a collaborative environment where all members, regardless of background or experience, are encouraged to participate and contribute to projects collectively.

As the club president, Kaur plays a crucial role in maintaining a balance between club responsibilities, academic commitments, and other extracurricular activities. Through effective communication and flexibility in scheduling, Kaur ensures that all members have the opportunity to engage with the club activities and meet deadlines for competitions and projects.

STEM Club members at Everett High School this past year competed in a design challenge and advanced to nationals. Fundraising initiatives also supported the club’s endeavors, with plans to create STEM merchandise for students to purchase and support the club’s activities.

Looking ahead, Kaur is excited about the opportunity to foster collaboration and teamwork among STEM club members. “Everything we do in the club is collaborative,” Kaur said. From fixing cars to presenting projects to judges, the club emphasizes the power of teamwork in achieving their goals and driving innovation within the STEM field.

At the STEM Club at Everett High School, students like Kuar are not only exploring the realms of science and technology but also nurturing essential skills in communication, teamwork, and creativity. As they continue to push boundaries and inspire one another, the STEM Club remains a hub of innovation and community for the problem-solvers of tomorrow.

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About the Contributor
Lucas De Freitas
Lucas De Freitas, Reporter
Sophomore Lucas De Freitas weighed 3 pounds when he was born. He has learned a lot, made many mistakes and made a lot of right decisions. He enjoys playing instruments, playing video games, playing sports, using technology, discovering and learning new things and more. His plans for this school year are to pass and do good. In the future he wants to do something in the engineering field.

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