The Student News Site of Everett High School, Everett MA

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The Student News Site of Everett High School, Everett MA

The Crimson Times

The Student News Site of Everett High School, Everett MA

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Meet freshman class president Kristen Calix-Guzman

Christopher Wright

Kristin Calix-Guzman, considered a kind person by students, is a person who likes to help out. She does after school programs like Mock Trial, Spanish Debate, Marching Band, and Billiards, and loves to help out her community as much as possible. 

“I wanted to be the freshman class president because I believe that students’ opinions are not heard enough, regardless of a student’s grade level,” she said. “Everett High freshmen also have a say and they should be heard.”

Some of her school proposals consist of five things: more student-held fundraisers, the school teaming up with non-profit organizations, students selling artwork, and more mental health assistance and awareness. 

“This is an excellent approach to motivate students and show them that their hard work is paying off. This will benefit not only freshmen but also students from different grade levels. These long-term plans would both be useful and beneficial to all students,” said Kristen Calix-Guzman. 

Another promise during her campaign and one of them was to alternate the school travel time between classes. She thinks it’s not enough time for students to transition. She has sent a school proposal to the office and is still waiting on a response.

Among all of the things that Calix has strong opinions about, the MCAS have been making itś way to the top of things she wants to make better in the school. 

“I believe that MCAS should not be a graduation requirement because it only tests how much a student can remember over the course of the year, which I believe is unfair to students who have difficulty remembering things,” said Calix-Guxman.

“I believe it is simply unfair for students who do not speak English to have to take the MCAS. As a former student at Madeline English School, I witnessed that non-English learners were required to take the MCAS, which would be extremely unfair because the school expects them to take a test in English.” 

“We also have to consider that students get anxious because they have to pass it. In my opinion, they should do a test based on the program you selected and make it a graduation requirement instead of MCAS.”

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About the Contributor
Luca Cruz
Luca Cruz, Reporter
Luca Cruz is a freshman. His favorite color is blue and his hobbies consist of watching soccer and sleeping. Luca has one older brother. His favorite subject is gym and he likes gym because he gets to partake in physical activity. His favorite food is whatever his mom cooks. Luca’s favorite movie is Cars 2. Luca’s favorite class is health and he likes health because he has a lot of friends in that class. Luca likes listening to music and enjoys the weekend because he doesn’t have to go to school. Luca’s favorite season is winter because he’d rather be cold than hot. Luca was born in Massachusetts but both his parents were born in Brazil thus he is Brazilian. For vacations Luca usually goes to Brazil. Luca’s favorite professional athlete is Ronaldo Nazario, a professional soccer player who used to play for Brazil’s national team. He likes to play video games when he is bored, such as FIFA, and watch Netflix. Luca’s favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and his favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving is mac and cheese.

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